
Showing posts from February, 2020

CORONA VIRUS (What you need to know)!!!!

Hello guys, today's topic is about very favourite virus of panic creators ,the "NOVEL CORONA VIRUS". Till now in my blogs you have seen very technical topics  ,but this time this blog is for every common person who knows about the so called epidemic of corona virus . Since its onset we have come to know so much more about this virus NAME  COVID-19 [ CO rona VI rus D isease-20 19 ] . I think this name is apt given by WHO , altough INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR TAXONOMY OF VIRUSES suggested to add SARS to it's name but WHO turned it down as this virus has already created enough panic or havoc , so apparently they did'nt want to add wood to that fire , and as i think , it is right on their part to do so . UPDATES As of 18th february 2020 there have been around 73,000 casees of COVID-19 , and around 1900 deaths . Altough this is an alarming increase , but we need to see the circumstances as well . In China so many cases were there that slowly doctors r...